The company was founded in 1926 by the will of the engineer. Antonio Cavalieri Ducati (Comacchio 1855 – 27 June 1927) with the name of the Scientific Society Radio Brevetti Ducati, which specializes in research and production of radio communication technologies. Soon, thanks to Ducati’s sons Anthony (who died only a year after the foundation), began to expand in various industrial fields.
The sons, Adriano, Bruno and Marcello Cavalieri Ducati began their activities with the production of a capacitor called “Manens” in the basement of a building located in the center of Bologna, Via Collegio di Spagna. Between 1930 and 1934 production was expanded, shifting production from the villa of the family owned Ducati, Viale Guidotti.
In 1935 the plant was built where they are currently based Ducati Motor Holding SpA and Ducati Energia Spa production was expanded with the creation of the first radio equipment, radio antennas, the first intercom communication systems (called “Dufono”), machinery cameras, electric razors, electric adding machines and film projectors.
At the factory in Borgo Panigale, in the late thirties, were joined two other plants located on the outskirts of Bologna, Bazzano and Crespellano.
During the Second World War, Ducati was forced, like many other Italian companies to convert to civilian production by sophisticated military use. Following the armistice on 8 September 1943, the factory was occupied by German troops, was bombed and destroyed after October 12, 1944.
After the war, the need arose to build a new production to work alongside the previous achievements, so it was that the department motorcycle was born in 1946 as a branch of the company, with production of the Cub, a single cylinder engine to be applied to a normal bicycle, designed SIATA from Turin. Subsequently, this was applied to a frame designed by Caproni, getting a bicimotore sold worldwide in over 250,000 units.