The logo you see is the eBay logo PNG format. But if you want to have EPS format, you can download on the download link. Use this logo wisely and do not violate copyrights.
When you view the eBay logo, we will be reminded of the movie Transformers. Naturally, eBay is an auction company that has been successful. His success has also been included in the Transformer movie.
The success of e-bay was the inspiration for many other auction companies are spread throughout the world. The idea of this than eBay is one example of the phenomenon of “Long Tail” is presented by Chris Andersen same through his book “The Long Tail”, which will create an ideal market in which the diversity of goods sold will be more and more, while fewer in number.
eBay was founded in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar as “Auction Web”, one of the main from a personal site that included, Omidyar donated writings against Ebola virus. Formerly the site belongs Echo Bay Technology Group, Omidyar consulting firm. Omidyar had tried to register the domain name “” but the name was already taken someone else, then he made his name to “”. eBay offices in San Jose, California, Meg Whitman has become eBay’s president and CEO since March 1998.